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The Best 5-Paragraph Expository Essay Topics About Family

When writing an expository essay about family, you should aim to expose a range of facts or details related to the specific topic that you are discussing. Ultimately, you want to ensure that the reader has a good understanding of the topic that you are discussing once you have finished reading your work.

For example, you may choose to look at a topic that has a lot of supporting statistical facts and information that you can use to help write your work. If this is the case, then you can put forward a wide range of different points, all of which are backed up by a good-quality evidence.

When it comes to actually thinking of a title to write about, there are a variety of different approaches that you can take. For example, you can focus on a certain aspect of the topic, such as children, or parents. Equally, as well as looking at a single-family unit, made up of the parents and children, you can look at the topic of family on a broader scale, including further generations and distant relatives.

For some ideas of what you could write about, there is a list of topics below that would be suitable for a five paragraph paper.

  • - Should the government do more, such as the use of tax benefits for married couples, to try and encourage parents to stick together after having had children, so as to ensure that the children can grow up in a stable family?
  • - Compare and contrast the upbringing of children with married parents and divorced parents
  • - Compare and contrast the number of children that couples have on average in the United States with other countries around the world
  • - To what extent has the increasing number of women in work had on the role of the traditional family?
  • - Should parents receive more assistance to ensure that they have to childcare required to enable them to get back to work after the birth of a child?
  • - Should fathers have equal rights compared to mothers when it comes to custodial battles?
  • - Are the custodial laws of the United States fair?
  • - What impact has technology had on family life in the United States over the past half a century?
  • - Should parents take more responsibility of the teaching of manners to their children, or should schools take a greater responsibility?
  • - Should parents face punishments and other consequences as a result of the truancy of their children?