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Narrative Argument Essay Topics – 10 Fresh Suggestions

A lot of essays written by students and scholars pursue the narrative format. This is to say that for many years now, narrative writing has remained the most common and most popular among learners. In fact, learners find narrative writing the easiest and so, they tend to finish it faster compared to other types of writing. However, before you can craft a narrative paper, some of the things which you must take into serious consideration are the topic and format. Does your topic meet the criteria set for narrative writing and can it yield forth a good literary piece? Well, when it comes to narrative writing, there are a number of approaches to use and one of them is argumentative style. How well should one write an argumentative narrative and are their differences between straight narrative topics and argumentative narrative topics?

Ostensibly, narrative writing is like telling a story and so, when it comes to putting down something meaningful of paper, you need to understand that a good topic will help you carry the day. To this end, you quest for good narrative topics should start so that at the end of the day, you can start writing knowing very well you have researched on a worthwhile topic and may just end up with an award winning paper. To help you get it right, argumentative narrative topic suggestion is all you need but where can you find those which meet the criteria set by your educator? Well, hereafter, we list some topic suggestions worth taking a look at, so read on for some insightful information.

  • Discuss whether marijuana should be outlawed
  • Write an narrative argumentative paper regarding what age girls should be allowed to use birth control pills
  • Should Ivory trade be banned and what steps should governments take to ensure this happens?
  • Discuss under what circumstances should abortion be legalized
  • Gun control and ownership. What measures should the United States put in place to curb use of guns to commit crime among unlicensed gun holders?
  • Discuss whether death penalty should be retained or abolished from legal jurisdiction
  • Should nude pictures in museums in be destroyed?
  • Should voting age be lowered to 12 years? Discuss with justifications
  • Should those held in prison cells be allowed to vote?
  • Should the age at which people should drink spirits be reduced to 15?