Tips To Use

Hand-Picked List Of Topic Examples For A Persuasive Essay On Vacation

Students are often asked to write an essay describing their vacation. However, writing a persuasive paper requires a bit more that just describing your holiday activities. If you are one of those students who find writing assignments intimidating, getting some examples may be quite useful.

Where to Search for Topic Examples for a Paper on Vacation

Here are some pieces of advice to take in order to get some valuable topic examples for your writing.

  • Ask your tutor.
  • It is probably the easiest and the most reliable option as your teacher is sure to have stored a considerable number of samples of high quality.

  • Go to the library.
  • Libraries offer a wide selection of proofread printed materials written by professional writers, educators, and scholars. That’s why you can be sure of getting some hand-picked examples for a persuasive paper on various topics including vacation.

  • Check the Internet.
  • Although you may encounter a low-quality database on the Web, there are thousands of worthy examples you will find there, provided you deal with reliable and reputable resources. Besides, you’ll have a perfect chance to take the advantage of using one of the custom writing services which specialize in academic writing of all types.

    Interesting Topics for a Persuasive Essay on Vacation

    Your first step in writing a persuasive essay is to jot down a few things about your experience during the vacation which you think will be interesting for your readers. Describe some unusual places you have visited as well as mention some interesting facts about them. Remember to choose an intriguing topic for your paper in order to catch your readers’ attention right from the start. Consider the following topic examples:

    1. How (the name of a city or a town) drove me crazy in ten days.
    2. The hazards of travelling with (a person or a thing)/by (kind of transport).
    3. Why I couldn’t sleep in (the name of the place).
    4. Travelling to (the name of the town or a city).
    5. My most unbelievable experience in (the name of the city, a town, or a country).
    6. Why I will never go back to (the name of the town or a city).
    7. Why you should take your pet when travelling to (the name of the town or a city).
    8. Is travelling by (kind of transport) safe?
    9. Why (the name of the country) is my favorite place to go to.
    10. My new friends from (the name of the country).