Tips To Use

Winning Argumentative Essay Topics To Write About

Engaging is arguments is not reservedly a matter of oral discussions. Through argumentative essays, this can be even more interesting and particularly in academia where students are required to display their understanding of such topics through creative writing. You probably know writing is a basic skill in learning without which you can’t expect any good returns on your exams. Topics that are argumentative in nature are therefore said to be the most engaging and serve a good purpose for displaying students’ prowess when it comes to engaging each other in constructive debates. However, not many learners will find them easy to do especially when left alone from the onset to come up with a topic on their own. It is on this premise that we take a look at some topics to start you off with argumentative writing. Fundamentally, there are millions of argumentative writing prompts you can rely on to generate very creative topics but again, some of the topics outlined below with go for a good literary composition, so take a look.

  • -Argumentative writing has always generated hot debates and topic that dwells around animal rights would notwithstanding see a raging debate. On this premise, coming up with a topic like-Should the big five be left to protect themselves can go for a good topic
  • -Also, poaching has been on the rise. On this regard, you can think of a topic like Are animal laws relaxed or law enforcers?
  • -On children rights and protection of their freedom, an example of a good topic is –Is Female Genital Mutilation practiced in the west?
  • -Another topic perhaps in the medical filed would also go for a good argumentative essay. An example is-Is Breast
  • -Cancer witnessing a full combat or just experimentation?
  • -The question of death penalty was recently cast to light with the prosecution of Bali 9. On this premise, a question like-Is Death penalty a good way to prosecute criminals can form a good topic to argue on.
  • -You must have heard of human trafficking with most of those trafficked being the jobless and girls. A topic like - Do governments plays a part in the trafficking business can generate a hot debate.
  • -Climate change is becoming a menace. A topic like, is climate change castigated by man can make a good topic for argument
  • -Whether men should be given paternal leave whenever their wives deliver can also generate a good topic to argue on